Posts Tagged ‘Joke’

Working on the Discover Prompts for April since I’m still working on re-wakening my creative side. I’m backdating to the start of April, because why on earth would one waste a good prompt.

These will all be free-writing ish… though the genre and style of writing will vary depending on what the prompt inspires for me. For this prompt, it’s going to be non-fiction as my 4 going on 5 years old kiddo gave me the perfect little thing to write about for this.

This year is the year my son started to “get” things. Kiddo knows what Christmas is now and looks forward to it. Kiddo has been planning his 5th birthday since the day after his 4th. So, of course, when April 1st came along it was time to tell him what April Fools was all about.

There is something truly magical when you tell a 4-year-old that they are allowed and encouraged to joke that day. Often their jokes are full of potty humour, often they are told no or to tone it down a little. There is a time and a place for jokes after all, and for the type of jokes, a 4-year-old wants to tell it’s rarely the time or the place.  Kiddos eyes lite up like he had just been given the keys to the kingdom and the joke began.

It started with multiple rounds of “I GOT YOUR NOSE!” then graduated to knock, knock jokes. Finally, Kiddo realized that mommy, who’s a little squeamish around bugs, got genuinely skin crawly for a second if you told her she had a bug in her hair. And that stuck and became the joke for the rest of the day.

He enjoyed every second, and we all laugh more and louder than we probably have in weeks. It was pure magic, what a morning of jokes and a child’s laugher can do. Many said April Fools was cancelled this year because you couldn’t out prank the real world. But for our household, it was very much on and was the escape from the darkness into the playful and innocent mind of a child we all needed.


If you enjoyed this I also have a parenting blog over at: that’s more of the same.