Archive for June, 2020

another day another discovery prompt free write.


Memories are drenched in scent connections. They can bring you back to the best and worst moments of your life or anything in between.

They can create calm or trigger stress.

On a pherimon level they can indicate everything from sexual orientation to mental well being. They are present on a level we are never fully aware of but that allows letters from Mom’s place to smell like home.

We all know this but it’s also one of the things we neglect the most. We make fun of essential oil users and of people who always have insents or candles going. We detract from cultures where this is the norm.

We focus on the tangible ways we know things, not the intangible emotions and feelings scent can bring and the real power those have.

Now I’m not saying a funky candle is going to solve all your problems or cure cancer. But if it puts a smile on your face, or brings you back to your grandma’s kitchen then that counts for something. And that something is a little more than we tend to give it credit for.