Posts Tagged ‘hands’

Another day, another discover Prompt. Enjoy!

Today I got back inside from a dog walk and this happened. My smart watched buzzed and started a wash your hands timer. I was equal parts amused and creeped out. I mean, who wouldn’t be. It was good to see the reminder, but also creepy as hell that the devices are getting this smart and are being programmed to remind us to take care in COVID times.

As an immunocompromised person, part of me was thankful for this little buzz. Another part was terrified of it. How long before it turns on the speaker to record compliance. Would there be penalties if I used hand sanitizer instead? How much do we really want these devices reporting back and running the world?

We’re living in the dystopian future now if we want to admit it or not a year ago all of this was the stuff of science fiction. Now apps in Wuhan are determining if citizens can travel or not, and in the west, they are reminding us to comply with Health Canada regulations.

It’s good, but it’s also terrifying. Big brother is truly watching and one has to hope the power isn’t placed in the wrong hands.